Train to the End of the World (known as Shumatsu Train Doko e Iku? in Japan), an upcoming original TV anime, has unveiled another new teaser trailer, this time previewing the journey of its main cast from a more dramatic perspective. The series will broadcast in Japan beginning on April 1, 2024, and it will also stream on Crunchyroll as part of the spring 2024 anime simulcast lineup.
Tsutomu Mizushima (GIRLS und PANZER, The Magnificent KOTOBUKI) directs Train to the End of the World at animation studio EMT Squared. The series also features series composition by Michiko Yokote (Heaven’s Design Team), original character designs by namo, character designs and chief animation direction by Asako Nishida, and music by Miho Tsujibayashi.
Train to the End of the World key visual
Crunchyroll describes Train to the End of the World:
A group of girls hop onto an abandoned train to explore the outside world with strange anomalies.
Source: Ota-suke