Ahead of an April 6 premiere in Japan, upcoming supernatural slice-of-life anime Tonari no Yokai-san released a creditless version of its opening sequence during AnimeJapan 2024. The opening theme features theme song “Obake Himawari” by Pii and simple small-town joys shared with creatures of all shapes and sizes.
Based on the manga by noho, Aimi Yamauchi (Salaryman’s Club) directs Tonari no Yokai-san at studio LIDEN FILMS, with series composition by Tomoko Konparu (Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You) and character designs by Jiko Abe (My Senpai is Annoying).
The cast includes:
Mu-chan voiced by Asaki Yuikawa
Jiro voiced by Ryosuke Higa
Buchio voiced by Yuki Kaji
Occhan voiced by Jin Urayama
Yuri voiced by Yo Taichi
Taira voiced by Kenji Hamada
Takumi voiced by Mutsumi Tamura
Ryo voiced by Yuko Sanpei
Rein voiced by Megumi Han
Hayachiyo voiced by Yuko Kaida
Gorozaemon voiced by Satoshi Mikami
Suzu voiced by Ayako Kawasumi
Betobeto-san voiced by Tatsumaru Tachibana
Wagen voiced by Tokuyoshi Kawashima
Kazuhiko voiced by Hideyuki Tanaka
Noho’s Tonari no Yokai-san manga began on Twitter in August 2017, before being serialized on East Press’ Mato Gross website from July 2018 and published as four collected volumes in print. The 4-koma series features heartwarming tales of humans and folkloric spirits, who exist side-by-side in a small Japanese town.
Source: Official Twitter