Run for the Money: The Great Mission, an ongoing TV anime based on the Japanese game show “Toussouchu: On The Run” from Fuji TV, has released a new NEXT STAGE trailer and key visual with brand new cast members joining the series, which premiered in April of 2023. Its latest season, which is still ongoing, premiered in January of this year.
NEXT STAGE key visual
The new cast members include Hiroshi Kamiya, Shino Shimoji and Katsuyuki Konishi, with the latter voicing the new game master. They join regulars Showtaro Morikubo, Yumiko Kobayashi, Marina Inoue, Ryutaro Okiyaru, Kazuya Nakai, Daisuke Namikawa and Yu Shimamura.
Inspired by Fuji TV’s Tousouchuu live-action game show, Yukio Kaizawa and Kohei Kureta direct Run for the Money: The Great Mission at Toei Animation, which describes it like so:
This series is about a survival mixed with entertainment game and as the title says, the principle is that the participants must escape at all costs from their robotic attackers!
Sources: Comic Natalie, Official Twitter