The official website for Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai, the upcoming TV anime adaptation of Shihon Takamura’s romantic comedy light novel series, released a new key visual today featuring the two twin protagonists — Rumi and Naori Jinguji. The anime is currently scheduled to premiere in July 2024.
Motoki Nakanishi (Summoned to Another World… Again?) is also now confirmed to direct the TV anime. “The staff is working hard to bring out the charm of the original novel, which unfolds from the viewpoints of the twin heroines Rumi and Naori, who have diametrically opposed personalities, and the protagonist Jun, who is at the mercy of both of them,” said Nakanishi. “We hope that you will join us in watching the sweet and sour love triangle that develops amidst the dilemma of their mutual love for each other, which sometimes ends up hurting each other.”
Additional announced main staff includes:
Director: Motoki Nakanishi
Series Composition: Michiko Yokote
Character Design: Mai Watanabe
Art Director: Satsuki Haramoto (Creep)
Color Designer: Yurie Matsuura
Director of Photography: Akemi Sasaki (TMS Photo)
3D Director: Wataru Miyazaki (Creep)
Editing: Akari Saito (Mishima Editing Office)
Sound Director: Ryosuke Naya
Sound Effects: Michiyo Saito
Music: Utatane Utana
Animation Producer: Kazuaki Oochi
The main voice cast members include:
Jun Shirosaki voiced by Shogo Sakata (Aki in Chainsaw Man)
Rumi Jinguji voiced by Moeha Nochimoto (Rea in Platinum End)
Naori Jinguji voiced by Maaya Uchida (Kaguya in Date A Live)
Toyoshige Moriwaki voiced by Katsumi Fukuhara (Kyle Morgan Crevary in 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!)
Reira Asano voiced by Misaki Ikeda (Magia Sulfur in Gushing Over Magical Girls)
Ririsu Kamedake voiced by Yuko Ono (Kaede in Lapis Re:LiGHTs)
Shihon Takamura began publication of the light novel in May 2021 under ASCII Media Works’ Dengeki Bunko imprint, with five volumes released in Japan to date. A manga adaptation, with illustrations by Okari, began in April 2022 with two volumes released so far.Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai follows a boy named Jun as he falls in love with the twin girls who are his childhood friends and live next door; both of which couldn’t be more different from each other. Rumi, the older sister, has a boyish exterior but a maiden-like personality while Naori is super girly and also a super otaku.
Source: “Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai” TV anime official website©2023 Shihon Takamura/KADOKAWA/Futakire Production Committee