A second season has been announced for Tales of Wedding Rings, an ongoing TV anime adaptation based on the romantic fantasy manga of the same name. In addition to the announcement visual (below), it has also been revealed that voice actor Miyu Tomita is joining the cast in the role of Morion. The release date for the second season has not yet been revealed. Crunchyroll currently streams the first season.
The original Tales of Wedding Rings manga by Maybe is published in Japan by Square Enix in their Monthly Big Gangan seinen manga magazine, and an English language version is available from Yen Press. Takashi Naoya directs the TV anime at animation studio Staple Entertainment, Deko Akao provides the series composition, Saori Nakashiki provides the character designs, and Satoshi Hono provides the music.
Tales of Wedding Rings Season 2 announcement visual
Crunchyroll describes Tales of Wedding Rings:
Sato is a high school boy in love with his best friend Hime, an unearthly beauty from another realm. So when she moves back to her home world to get married, Sato doesn’t think twice—he follows her and crashes the wedding. Then, after a kiss from Hime, he suddenly becomes the new groom! But here, Hime is a Ring Princess and her husband is destined to be the Ring King: a hero of immense power.
Source: Comic Natalie