Trillion Game, an upcoming TV anime based on the seinen manga of the same name, has revealed a wealth of new information including additional cast members, key staff, a new trailer, and a new key visual. The series will broadcast in Japan on Tokyo Broadcasting System and other stations beginning in October 2024.
The new cast members include:
Kirika Kokuryu voiced by M・A・O (Ruri Matsuri in The Fire Hunter)
Kirika Kokuryu character visual
Kazuki Kedoin voiced by Hiroki Tochi (Baek Yoonho in Solo Leveling)
Kazuki Kedoin character visual
Rinrin Takahashi voiced by Yuki Tanaka
Rinrin Takahashi character visual
The original Trillion Game manga is written by Riichiro Inagaki, illustrated by Ryoichi Ikegami, and published by Shogakukan in their Big Comic Superior seinen manga magazine. An English language version is currently in-development from Viz Media. Yuuzou Satou directs the TV anime at animation studio MADHOUSE. Ryunosuke Kingetsu provides the series composition, Kei Tsuchiya provides the character designs, and Takurou Iga provides the music.
Trillion Game key visual
Viz Media describes Trillion Game:
Haru and Gaku become the first Japanese people in the 21st century to enter the billionaire’s club! Gaku reflects on when he first met Haru, and their unorthodox path to success.
Source: Comic Natalie