The Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again anime—which adapts the Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru manga by Kagiri Araido—is set to kick off on April 7, 2024, and ahead of that we have an early look at the creditless opening movie. Check out how episodes kick off to the tune of koresawa’s “Kimi ga Ojii-chan Atashi ga Obaa-chan” (“You’re Grandpa I’m Grandma”) opening theme song below.
Original published on Twitter and pixiv, the Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru manga by Kagiri Araido is currently serialized in Japan by MF Comics in their Monthly Comic Alunna seinen manga magazine. Masayoshi Nishida directs the TV anime at animation studio Gekkou, and the anime also features series composition by Yukie Sugawara, character designs by Nagisa Takahashi and music by Tomoki Hasegawa.The story of Grandpa and Grandma Turn Young Again follows Shozo and Ine, an elderly couple who are living a quiet life in a farming village in Aomori Prefecture. After eating a mysterious apple they discover on their apple farm, Shozo and Ine spontaneously regain their youth, but even after being reinvigorated they continue to live life at a grandparent-ly pace.Source: KADOKAWAanime