Red Cat Ramen, a TV anime based on the cooking manga of the same name, has revealed a new trailer, a new key visual (below) and five additional cast members for the series, which will begin broadcasting in Japan on the Tokyo Broadcasting System network on July 4, 2024.
The new cast members include:
Sasaki voiced by Noriaki Sugiyama (Loki Oriflamme in The Case Study of Vanitas)
Sabu voiced by Michiyo Murase (Jill in DECA-DENCE)
Hana voiced by Rie Kugimiya (Catherine Sue in Delusional Monthly Magazine)
Krishna voiced by Saori Hayami (Emma in TSUKIMICHI -Moonlit Fantasy-)
Tamako Yashiro voiced by Kurumi Orihara
The original Red Cat Ramen manga by Angyaman is serialized in Shueisha’s Shonen Jump+ digital manga magazine, and an English language version is also available on MANGA Plus. Hisatoshi Shimizu directs the Red Cat Ramen TV at animation studio E&H production. The series also features series composition and scripts by Toru Kubo and character designs by Michinori Chiba.
Red Cat Ramen key visual
The story of Red Cat Ramen is described as follows:
No interviews.
No advertisements.
Tamako, a human, arrives at Ramen Akaneko, run solely by cats, for a part-time job interview.
Her honesty about being a dog person gets her hired, and she becomes the caretaker of the cats at the restaurant.
A story of both cat and human relationships, told through the interactions with both feline staff and customers.
Enjoy your extra-large serving of heartwarming and endearing moments at Ramen Akaneko.
Source: Comic Natalie