Mobile Suit Gundam, the genre-defining mecha anime series created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and Sunrise, is celebrating its 45th anniversary in 2024 with a series of film screenings entitled “Gundam Cinema Fest”. The films screened include the Mobile Suit Gundam trilogy (1981 – 1982), Mobile Suit Gundam Char’s Counterattack (1988), and Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway (2021). “Gundam Cinema Fest” hits Japanese theaters beginning on June 7, 2024.
“Gundam Cinema Fest” line-up
“Gundam Cinema Fest” is part of the programming for the “GUNDAM NEXT FUTURE -ROAD TO 2025-” regional event, which leads up to a Gundam-related expo that will be held in Osaka in 2025. Crunchyroll currently streams the original Mobile Suit Gundam TV anime, and describes the story of the series as follows:
Universal Century 0079. The rebel space colonies of the Principality of Zeon launch a war of independence against the Earth Federation, using humanoid fighting vehicles called mobile suits to overwhelm the Federation Forces and conquer half of Earth’s surface. Months later, the Federation has finally developed its own prototype mobile suits at a remote space colony. But when the colony suffers a Zeon surprise attack, these new weapons fall into the hands of a motley crew of civilians and cadets. Fate places a youth named Amuro Ray at the controls of the white mobile suit Gundam…
Sources: Anime! Anime!, GUNDAM.INFO