Ikoku Nikki (“Diary of a Strange Land”), a josei manga by Tomoko Yamashita, is being adapted into a TV anime, and the main staff, a teaser trailer, and a teaser visual have been revealed for the newly announced series. The release date for the series has not yet been revealed.
Ikoku Nikki was originally serialized from June 2017 – June 2023 in Shodensha’s Feel Young manga magazine, and the series was also published in 11 collected volumes in Japan. Miyuki Ooshiro directs the Ikoku Nikki TV anime at animation studio Shuka. Kohei Kiyasu provides the series composition and scripts, Kenji Hayama provides the character designs, and Kensuke Ushio provides the music.
Ikoku Nikki teaser visual
The story of Ikoku Nikki follows Makio Koudai, a 35 year old novelist who is shy and socially awkward and who lives a solitary life. Makio’s life begins to change when her older sister and her brother-in-law are killed in a traffic accident, prompting Makio to take in Asa Takumi, her 15 year old niece. Asa has a friendly and straightforward personality, so the two initially have some trouble connecting, but eventually their relationship grows into something unique and irreplaceable.
Source: Comic Natalie