The Toonami block has been home to some of the latest, most popular anime over the years, but many fans remember it for airing the classics. Three of those staples are taking over in a new Toonami Rewind block, which aims to bring the nostalgia when it airs every Friday from 5:00pm to 7:00pm Eastern Time starting on May 31, 2024.The block will include VIZ Media’s most recent English dub of Sailor Moon, followed by two episodes of Dragon Ball Z Kai and an episode of Naruto, all wrapped in some of the older bumpers and “classic older Toonami music.” Here’s the schedule for May 31:
05:00PM – Sailor Moon (VIZ English Dub version)
05:30PM – Dragon Ball Z Kai
06:00PM – Dragon Ball Z Kai
06:30PM – Naruto
This new Toonami Rewind Friday block debuts in addition to the traditional Saturday block, which has been airing anime late at night since its return to Adult Swim in 2012. Sources: Toonami on Facebook, Anime News Network