Animation studio Nippon Animation will celebrate its 50th anniversary on June 3, 2025, and to commemorate the occasion, a new illustration featuring some of the studio’s most popular characters (below) has been published. The illustration features characters from such series as A Dog of Flanders, Future Boy Conan, Rascal the Racoon, Maya the Honey Bee, CHIBI MARUKO-CHAN and more.
Nippon Animation 50th Anniversary illustration
The illustration was created by the animators of Nippon Animation under the direction and supervision of animator / character designer Yoshiharu Sato, who worked on Nippon Animation’s popular “World Masterpiece Theater” series and also provided the character designs for Romeo’s Blue Skies. Further updates for the 50th anniversary celebrations will be revealed at a later date via the official website.
Sources: Official Nippon Animation home page (English version), Comic Natalie