After the conclusion of the TRIGUN STAMPEDE anime shared the promise of a “Final Phase” on the horizon, we now know the official title of the upcoming series. Announced today at theTRIGUN STAMPEDE panel, presented by Crunchyroll and Orange, the new series title was revealed as TRIGUN STARGAZE.To celebrate the Anime Expo occasion, original creator Yasuhiro Nightow shared a special illustration.
First anniversary visuals of Vash, Knives and Wolfwood were also released:
Crunchyroll previously confirmed plans to stream the continuation when it debuts.
Based on the Yasuhiro Nightow’s manga, Kenji Muto (Land of the Lustrous episode director) directs TRIGUN STAMPEDE at studio Orange, with Takehiko Oki writing and Kouji Tajima (GANTZ:0 character artist) providing the updated character designs. Crunchyroll streams the series and sums up the story:
Vash the Stampede’s a joyful gunslinging pacifist, so why does he have a $$6 million bounty on his head? That’s what’s puzzling rookie reporter Meryl Stryfe and her jaded veteran partner when looking into the vigilante only to find someone who hates blood. But their investigation turns out to uncover something heinous—his evil twin brother, Millions Knives.
Source: Anime Expo 2024 TRIGUN STAMPEDE Panel