The upcoming isekai fantasy TV anime Teogonia, based on the light novel series written by Tsukasa Tanimai and illustrated by Kouichiro Kawano, revealed in its newest trailer tonight that the series will premiere in 2025. The first lead cast members were also unveiled alongside their anime character designs.
Teogonia’s First Main Trailer
Kai voiced by Mutsumi Tamura (Koshiro Izumi in Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna)
Jose voiced by Kana Hanazawa (Mitsuri Kanroji in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Kunihiro Mori directs Teogonia at Asahi Production with series composition written by Tomoyasu Okubo, character designs drawn by Koichiro Kawano and music composed by Kenji Fujisawa. WOWMAX produces the series.
The story of Teogonia is described as such:
It’s a time of warfare where relentless battles continue between human and demi-human tribes like the Ash Monkeys (Macaque) and pig people (Ogres) invading human lands.
Kai, a boy from the village of Rag, spends his days immersed in battle to protect his village.
Amidst the harsh battles enforced by those possessing immense power known as “guardian bearers,” and as his comrades fall one by one, Kai suddenly recalls memories he shouldn’t have experienced – memories of a world with advanced technology and knowledge of people’s lives beyond this world.
And thus, although Kai was just a villager, he soon finds himself embroiled in great trials…
A magnificent fantasy tale unfolds, chronicling the struggle and growth of a single boy in a harsh world.
Source: Press Release