Even the golf course is a good backdrop for a selfie. The latest update for the Sorairo Utility TV anime scoreboard revealed today that the upcoming series will start in January 2025. Alongside the broadcast date, a selfie visual was released featuring Minami Aoba, Haruka Akane and Ayaka Hoshimi all huddled together on the green wearing the same shirt.
Sorairo Utility TV anime 2nd key visual
Kengo Saito directs and provides character designs at animation studio Yostar Pictures, joined by scriptwriters Yu Sato, Aya Satsuki and Aki Mizuki. The staff and cast reprise their roles from the original 14-minute anime film, also produced at Yostar Pictures. Crunchyroll streams the anime film.
The story of Sorairo Utility follows three young women who explore their love of golf: Minami, a beginner at the game who picks up golf in an effort to distinguish herself with a hobby; Haruka, a gifted golfer who excels at the sport; and Ayaka, a young lady who aims to become an influencer on social media.
Source: Comic Natalie