Ahead of a July 2024 broadcast, the upcoming anime adaptation of The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord’s Army was a Human today put protagonist Ike, voiced by Jun Fukuyama (Draluc in The Vampire Dies in No Time), at center-stage for the first of five character trailers to be released over the next few weeks.
Based on the light novels by Ryosuke Hata and Izumi Kawanami, Norihiko Nagahama (I’ve Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm-Related Skills) directs The Strongest Magician in the Demon Lord’s Army was a Human at studio A-CAT, with series composition by Toko Machida, character designs by Masami Sueoka and music by Kohta Yamamoto (Chained Soldier).
The story is officially described like so:
Ike is known as “”the strongest magician in the demon king’s army”” and is a single-handedly conquering fortresses.
The way he mowed down the enemies with his immense magic is truly a “”monster”” that makes him feared by both allies and foes alike.
However, he had a secret that he could not tell other demons.
“”–I’m actually human.””
Aiming for a coexistence between demons and humans while the leader of demon’s army is hiding the fact that he is actually a human!?
Source: Comic Natalie