Neko Oji: The Guy That Got Reincarnated as a Cat, an upcoming TV anime based on the popular web manga by Yajima, has revealed a new piece of key art (below) as well as the main cast for the series. The series will broadcast in Japan as part of Fuji TV’s “Pokapoka” programming block beginning in October 2024.
The main cast for the series includes:
Oji-san voiced by Takahiro Kameoka
Pun-chan voiced by Kana Hanazawa
President voiced by Tomokazu Seki
Itoyanagi-sensei voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda
Neko Oji: The Guy That Got Reincarnated as a Cat key art
Based on the original work by Yamaji, Takahiro Kawakoshi and Rio direct the Neko Oji: The Guy That Got Reincarnated as a Cat anime adaptation at Studio Eight Colors. Rio also provides the character designs for the series and the key art above.
The story of Neko Oji: The Guy That Got Reincarnated as a Cat follows the daily adventures of a middle-aged man who passes away and returns to life as a cat who is adopted by the president of the company for whom he used to work.
Source: Official Neko Oji: The Guy that got Reincarnated as a Cat home page