Musical mecha anime Macross 7 is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year with a solo concert from Nekki Basara himself! An explosive event deserves an equally explosive poster, and that’s exactly what we get today.Check out the new visual for the upcoming BASARA EXPLOSION 2024, featuring art of Nekki Basara in front of his iconic robot, Fire Valkyrie:
The MACROSS 7 30th Anniv. BASARA EXPLOSION 2024 from Fire Bomber concert will be a solo concert event featuring performances from Yoshiki Fukuyama, the singing voice of Basara. Nobutoshi Hayashi, who voiced Basara, will also make a guest appearance.Tickets for the concert will be on sale July 18-28, and concerts will take place at ZEPP venues across Japan between September and November 2024.
Source: Comic Natalie