Japanese publisher Tokyo News Tsushinsha has announced that voice actor Akari Kito’s new photo book, titled “Kito Akari Anniversary Photo Book Akari no Mama (Akari as herself),” is set to release in Japan on August 19, 2024. Kito, best known as Nezuko Kamado in Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and Kotoko Iwanaga in In/Spectre, has released two photo books in her career — “Love Route” in January 2020 and “my pace” in February 2023, and this will be her last photo book in her 20s.”I wanted to publish one last photo book in my 20s!, so I had this book made!” said Kito. “As the title suggests, this book is a collection of photographs of me as I am now. I would be happy if you could see the latest version of me, which is different from my previous photo books.”
In the anniversary of her 10th year as a voice actor and fifth year as a solo singer, she chose the Goto Islands in Nagasaki Prefecture as the location for the photo shoot, saying, “I want to preserve my present self.” The theme of the shoot was “travel,” as she left the heart of the city to visit sightseeing spots and historical buildings in a place filled with nature and exoticism, and to show off her healthy bikini body in the emerald green sea. Check out samples photos below.
She also says on X (formerly Twitter), “An anniversary photo book will be published as the culmination of my 20s…!! I wanted to make a book that I could show to my grandchildren when I become grandmother, saying ‘This is how grandma used to be…’ Please take a look at the beautiful photos they took me in great locations.”
Sources: Tokyo News Tsushinsha press release, Akari Kito official X (formerly Twitter)