Tougen Anki, an upcoming TV anime based on the supernatural shonen manga, has published a new piece of seasonal art (below) depicting the lazy summer vacation days of the main character, Shiki Ichinose. The series is scheduled to broadcast in Japan in 2025.
Akita Shoten serializes the original Tougen Anki manga by Yura Urushibara in their Weekly Shonen Champion manga magazine. Yen Press also publishes an English language version of the series under the title Tougen Anki: Legend of the Cursed Blood. At the time of this writing, the staff for the anime adaptation has not yet been revealed.
The story of Tougen Anki is described as follows:
“You inherit the blood of an Oni (demon)…”
The bloodlines of “Oni” and “Momotaro” have been passed down among certain humans for generations. Long ago, the Oni, aware of their own ferocity, lived in seclusion. However, their peace was shattered by an invasion led by Momotaro. Over thousands of years, these two factions formed the “Momotaro Agency” and the “Oni Agency,” respectively, and have been locked in conflict ever since.
The protagonist, Shiki Ichinose, suddenly learns of his Oni lineage following an unexpected attack by Momotaro. This revelation sets Shiki on a path to discover the destiny that lies within his blood — a meeting with the Oni dwelling within him.
— A new generation of dark heroics begins here in this tale of demons!
Source: Tougen Anki on X (formerly Twitter)