The TV anime adaptation of Reiji Miyajima’s The Shiunji Family Children manga revealed tonight the production house at which the series will be animated. Alongside that, the manga creator also announced he’ll be holding his first ever solo exhibition in mid-to-late August in the trendy area of Omotesando.
Next to the silhouetted characters of The Shiunji Family Children, the series will be produced at Doga Kobo, who were recently acquired by KADOKAWA, one of the producers of the adaptation. No other details about the adaptation have been announced at this stage.
Creator Miyajima will be holding his first-ever solo exhibition from August 16 to September 4 at pixiv’s WAEN GALLERY. Titled “Miyajima Reiji solo exhibition “0 (Love),” the event will showcase famous scenes from both The Shiunji Family Children and Rent-a-Girlfriend, as well as sell exclusive goods. The event will be free to enter but may have numbered tickets based on visitor numbers.
The Shiunji Family Children is written and drawn by Rent-a-Girlfriend’s Reiji Miyajima with illustration support from Reiji Yukino. The series has been published in the semi-monthly magazine Young Animal since February 25, 2022, with the fourth collected volume set to be released in Japan on July 17, 2024. Yen Press publishes the series in English, describing the story as such:
The love between brother and sister. The love between man and woman. That which is most forbidden is most unyielding. The two sons and five daughters of the Shiunji family shine like brilliant gems, each with intelligence and beauty in equal measure. And with the pedigree of their wealthy father behind them, how could they not be the talk of the town? Eldest son Arata has spent his life being tossed around by the whims of his colorful sisters, yet a little teasing won’t stop him from valuing his family over anything and anyone else. But when his youngest sister turns fifteen, their father reveals a long-hidden secret of the Shiunji “siblings” and knocks Arata’s world off its axis…
Source: Reiji Miyajima on X (formally Twitter)