Ubel Blatt, an upcoming TV anime based on the dark fantasy manga of the same name, has revealed that voice actor Yuya Hirose (Toma Higuchi in Tsurune) has been cast in the leading role of Koinzell, the protagonist of the series.
Ubel Blatt teaser visual
The original Ubel Blatt manga by Etorouji Shiono is serialized in Square Enix’s Monthly Big Gangan seinen manga magazine, and an English language version is also available from Yen Press, who describe the story of the series as follows:
Rumors stir throughout the land: when the wielder of the black sword draws his dark blade, all who stand in its path are torn asunder…! Köinzell, the mysterious young boy who carries the black sword, undeniably wields it with exceptional skill, but can he truly be responsible for the bloody rumors? Pursued by the Traitorous Lances, four powerful warriors who were thought to have been defeated by the Seven Heroes, the strength of the young swordsman will be tested to its limit. At battle’s end, only the shocking truth of Köinzell’s quest will stand above the corpses of his enemies…
Source: Comic Natalie