A TV anime adaptation has officially been revealed for Akamaru Enomoto’s I Have a Crush at Work manga. Details are incredibly light at the moment, but a teaser visual was unveiled with a quick look at co-workers Yui Mitsuya and Masugu Tateishi.
I Have a Crush at Work teaser visual
I Have a Crush at Work vol. 1 cover
At the time of this writing, 15 volumes have been published, with digital and print circulation surpassing 1.1 million copies. Kodansha publishes the original manga in English and describes the first volume like so:
Yui Mitsuya and Masugu Tateishi aren’t just any coworkers—they totally have the hots for each other. His helpful yet humble attitude makes her giddy, and her cuteness leaves him grinning like a fool. Problem is, they’re trying to keep their new relationship under wraps to avoid making things awkward at work. But seeing how they can’t keep their hands off each other, they run the risk of spilling their little secret with each passing day at the office.
Source: Comic Natalie