The official website and accounts for the previously announced TV anime adapting the Kagaku Manga Survival educational comic series announced a October 2024 broadcast today, while also unveiling a teaser visual, individual designs for main characters Geo and Dia and the production staff.
Masahiro Hosoda (Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods) directs the new series titled “Kagaku x Bouken Survival!” (“Science x Adventure Survival!”) at Studio Gallop, with series composition by Isao Murayama, character designs by Noh Gil-bo and music by Kei Yoshikawa (Love of Kill).
Teaser Visual
The Survival series (known in Japan as Kagaku Manga Survival) is created by Gomdori Co and Han Hyun-Dong and published in South Korea by Mirae N Co., Ltd. and in Japan by Asahi Shimbun Publications. Three volumes of the Survival series are also available in English under the title Survive! Inside the Human Body. The series was previously adapted into a theatrical anime film in 2020.
Source: Comic Natalie