SHY, an ongoing TV anime based on the superhero manga by Bukimi Miki, is returning to Japanese airwaves with a second season soon, and now a new trailer, a new key visual, new cast additions and more have been revealed for the series. SHY Season 2 will broadcast in Japan on the TV Tokyo Network and BS NTV beginning on July 1, 2024, with additional broadcasts to follow later on other stations.
The new cast members include:
Century voiced by Wataru Hatano (Timothy in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation)
Century and Wataru Hatano
Tokimaru voiced by Hiro Shimono (Phantom in Undead Murder Farce)
Tokimaru and Hiro Shimono
Kuabara voiced by Izumi Kitta (Rii Ozawa in BanG Dream!)
Kuabara and Izumi Kitta
PassCode performs the new opening theme for the series, which is entitled “WILLSHINE”.The original SHY manga is serialized in Akita Shoten’s Weekly Shonen Champion manga magazine, and an English language version is also available from Yen Press. Masaomi Ando directs the TV anime at animation studio Eight Bit. Yuichi Tanaka serves as main character designer, while Risa Takai and Akihiro Sueta serve as character designer and chief animation directors. Hinako Tsubakiyama provides the music.
SHY Season 2 key visual
Crunchyroll currently streams the first season of SHY, and describe the story as follows:
On the brink of a third World War, superheroes appeared on Earth. Gifted with powers, their appearance brings peace to the world. The heroes each selected a country in which they would reside, serve, and protect its citizens. Shy is Japan’s hero, endowed with super strength. Her most daunting enemy yet? Crippling shyness. Join Shy and her super friends as she defends Earth and gains confidence!
Source: Comic Natalie