Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi (“A Ninja and an Assassin Living Togther”), an upcoming TV anime based on the comedy manga by HundredBurger, has revealed the main cast for the series as well as a new piece of key art (below). The release date for the series has not yet been revealed.
In the series, voice actor Haruna Mikawa plays the ninja, Satoko Kusagakure, while voice actor Kana Hanazawa plays the assassin, Konoha Koga.
ASCII Media Works publishes the original Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi manga in their Comic Dengeki Daioh “g” shonen manga magazine. Animation studio Shaft provides the animation production for the TV anime. The remaining cast and staff members for the series have not yet been revealed.
Source: Ninja to Koroshiya no Futarigurashi on X (formerly Twitter)