Nothing brings this season’s Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! anime to life quite like its opening song. The track from BotchiBoromaru never fails to hype us up, and Crunchyroll News is excited to exclusively debut the official music video for “TSUYOGARU GIRL feat. Mossa (NECRY TALKIE).”The production team behind the music video previously worked on the likes of fhana’s “Aozora no Rhapsody” and “Ai no Supreme!” from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. See what they cooked up along with our favorite singer-songwriter from outer space, BotchiBoromaru, in the video below.
BotchiBoromaru – “TSUYOGARU GIRL feat. Mossa (NECRY TALKIE)”
Check out the standard and anime version jackets for the single:
BotchiBoromaru is also behind the ending song for another big anime this season, The Elusive Samurai. The single for “KAMAKURA STYLE” recently launched and also comes in both standard and anime-style jackets:
Both The Elusive Samurai and Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! are available to stream on Crunchyroll, which describes the latter like so:
Meet the girls on the losing side of romance! First is Anna Yanami, the girl-next-door type who can’t say no to delicious food. Then there’s Lemon Yakishio, a beautiful and spirited athlete. Last but not least is Chika Komari, the cute yet shy heroine with gentle charm. Together, they navigate awkward setbacks hoping to finally find love!