The anime adaptation of Mahoutsukai ni Narenakatta Onna no Ko no Hanashi (The Story of the Girl Who Couldn’t Become a Wizard), scheduled to premiere in October 2024, has rounded out its cast with four new characters today. Joining the cast announced so far will be:
Hikaru Midorikawa (Gridman in SSSS.GRIDMAN) as Northern Harris, the homeroom teacher for the first-year students:
Mako Morino (Ageru-chan in Hana Kappa) as the president of the Magic Research Club, which is dedicated to uncovering the school’s secrets:
Tatsumaru Tachibana (Basen in The Apothecary Diaries) as the Magic Research Club vice president:
Mikako Komatsu (Maki Zenin in JUJUTSU KAISEN) as Kai Mirai, a mysterious boy that protagonist Kurumi encounters at school:
Mahoutsukai ni Narenakatta Onna no Ko no Hanashi is the second TV anime series from Project ANIMA, an animation initiative launched in 2017 by DeNA, Nippon Cultural Broadcasting, Sotsu, and MBS. The anime is based on the novel by Yuzuki Akasaka, which was the winner of the project’s “Parallel World / Fantasy” category.
Project ANIMA is an open competition project to create original animation works that represent the 2020s, and SAKUGAN, the winner of its “Science Fiction and Robot Animation” category,” was made into a TV anime in 2021.
Studio J.C.STAFF is producing the animation with the following staff members:
Chief Director: Takashi Watanabe (Shakugan no Shana)
Director: Masato Matsune (Reign of the Seven Spellblades)
Series Composer: Hiroko Kanasugi (Drug Store in Another World)
Character Designer: Mai Matsuura
Music Composer: Yoko Shimomura (Legend of Manga -The Teardrop Crystal-)
Music Arrangers: Hayato Matsuo, Dai Haraguchi, Miku Yoshikawa
Sound Director: Yoshikazu Iwanami
Art Director: Kentaro Izumi
Color Designer: Mika Funabashi
Director of Photography: Yurina Yagi
Editor: Hitomi Sudo
Source: Official Website