Tamon’s B-Side, a romantic comedy manga by Yuki Shiwasu, is being adapted into an anime. At the time of this writing the format and the release window for the project have not yet been revealed. Chika Nagaoka directs the anime adaptation at animation studio J.C.STAFF. The main cast for the anime includes:
Utage Kinoshita voiced by Saori Hayami
Tamon Fukuhara voiced by Kakeru Hatano
Ouri Sakaguchi voiced by Shoya Chiba
Keito Tachibana voiced by Tasuku Hatanaka
Natsuki Ishibashi voiced by Kohei Amasaki
Rintaro Kai voiced by Ryuho Nagaoka
Known as Tamon-kun Ima Docchi!? in Japan, the original manga has been serialized since October 2021 in Hakusensha’s Hana to Yume shojo manga magazine, and seven collected volumes have been published in Japan to date. An English language version is also available from Viz Media, who describe the story as follows:
Tamon is an insecure mess in real life, and what’s worse, he’s threatening to quit! Utage refuses to let anyone stand in Tamon’s way—least of all himself. What’s a fangirl to do but roll up her sleeves and support her favorite singer with everything she’s got?