In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Yowamushi Pedal anime franchise, a large-scale exhibition event titled “TV Anime Yowamushi Pedal 10th Anniversary Festival” will be held at the EJ Anime Museum in Tokorozawa Sakura Town in Saitama Prefecture from August 10 to September 23, 2024.The event’s official X (formerly Twitter) account has released a main visual featuring all 20 characters from the three teaser visuals. Flyers and station posters using this visual will also be produced.
Acrylic stands, clear files, can badges, key chains, trading character cards and other items using this visual will also be sold at the venue.
Visitors will randomly receive one of the 20 original character stickers as a gift.
Customers who purchase 5,000 yen (including tax) or more at the exhibition will receive an original mini shopper as a gift.
At the exhibition, voice guidance by Onoda Sakamichi (CV: Daiki Yamashita), Sangaku Manami (CV: Tsubasa Yonaga), Yusuke Makishima (CV: Shotaro Morikubo) and Jinpachi Todo (CV: Tetsuya Kakihara) will be provided. The voice guidance can be used with your smartphone and earphones for a fee of 900 yen (USD$6).
The “TV Anime Yowamushi Pedal 10th Anniversary Festival” event will also feature a life-size figure of the protagonist, Onoda Sakamichi, which will be unveiled for the first time at the exhibition. Regular advance tickets priced at 2,000 yen (USD$13) will be available between June 29 and August 9, 2024.
“TV Anime Yowamushi Pedal 10th Anniversary Festival” CM
Sources: KADOKAWA press release, “TV Anime Yowamushi Pedal 10th Anniversary Festival” official X (formerly Twitter)