Following the theatrical release of Mononoke the Movie: Karakasa in Japan, the anime’s official X (formerly Twitter) account announced that a second film, subtitled “Hinezumi” (“Fire Rat”), is scheduled for March 14, 2025 and that a third film is also planned to conclude the project.
Tickets for the second film will go on sale from August 2 with the below artwork on an A4-size card included as a bonus.
Mononoke the Movie: Karakasa was directed by Kenji Nakamura at studio Twin Engine EOTA, with character designs by Kitsuneko Nagata, chief animation direction by Yuichi Takahashi and music by Taku Iwasaki. The film won the Satoshi Kon Award for Excellence in Animation at the 28th Fantasia International Film Festival, succeeding THE FIRST SLAM DUNK.
Crunchyroll currently streams the 2006 Mononoke anime series and describes the story:
In feudal Japan, evil spirits known as mononoke plague both households and the countryside. Only one person has the power to kill them where they stand: the Medicine Seller. But in order to draw his spirit-slaying sword he must first understand the Form, Truth, and Reason of the mononoke. Armed with sharp wit, he wanders from place to place striking down the evil spirits in his wake.
Source: Comic Natalie