HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE!, a smart phone game featuring the popular Vocaloid virtual idol, is being adapted into a theatrical anime film with an original story entitled Gekijouban Project Sekai Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU (“Project Sekai the Movie: The Broken World and The Miku Who Can’t Sing”). The film hits theaters in Japan on January 17, 2025.
Based on original work by Sega, Colorful Palette, and Crypton Future Media, Hiroyuki Hata directs the film at animation studio P.A.WORKS. Yoko Yonaiyama provides the script, Yuki Akiyama and Masatoshi Tsuji serve as chief animation directors and provide the character designs, and Satoshi Hono provides the music.
Gekijouban Project Sekai Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU poster
Set in modern day Shibuya, Gekijouban Project Sekai Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU centers on Ichika Hoshino, a high school girl and street musician who encounters an unknown version of Hatsune Miku after hearing a Miku song that she’d never heard before in a CD store. Ichika learns that this version of Miku is having trouble reaching people with her songs, so together they team up to try to touch the hearts of their audience through music.
Source: Official Gekijouban Project Sekai Kowareta SEKAI to Utaenai MIKU home page