The official website for the Ojamajo Doremi anime franchise’s 25th anniversary project released a new anime video clip on July 30 — the birthday of the protagonist, Doremi Harukaze.The new video features “Watashi no Tsubasa” sung by Masami Nakatsukasa, the ending theme for the TV anime’s fourth season Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan! ( 2002-2003). The clip depicts an adult Doremi led by a young Doremi by the sea, alongside ending footage of the final episode of Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan!
Ojamajo Doremi New Clip featuring “Watashi no Tsubasa”
This is the second video in a new project, titled Ojamajo Doremi 1620s. The first clip featuring “Ojamajo Carnival!,” the opening theme for the TV anime first season Ojamajo Doremi (1999-2000), was screened at this year’s AnimeJapan. As of July 29, the clip has 3.7 million views on YouTube .According to the anniversary website, their goal is to accumulate 5 million views for the two clips.
Ojamajo Doremi New Clip featuring “Ojamajo Carnival!”
Toei Animation’s Ojamajo Doremi TV anime series aired for four seasons from 1999 to 2003, followed by one OVA series in 2004-2005.
Ojamajo Doremi (51 episodes / February 1999 – January 2000)
Ojamajo Doremi# (49 episodes / February 2000 – January 2001)
Motto! Ojamajo Doremi (50 episodes / February 2001 – January 2002)
Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan! (51 episodes / February 2002 – January 2003)
Ojamajo Doremi Na-i-sho (OVA/ 13 episodes / September 2004 – March 2005)
Source: “Ojamajo Doremi” 25th anniversary project site© Toei Animation