Okaimono Panda! (“Shopping Panda!”), an upcoming anime inspired by the official mascot character for the Rakuten e-commerce firm, has unveiled a new trailer (below) as well as three new cast members for the series, which is scheduled to begin broadcasting in Japan in fall 2024.
The new cast members include:
Kopanda voiced by Neeko
Kopanda character art
Puchomaru voiced by Ayumu Murase
Puchomaru character art
Mugi voiced by Yuria Kozuki
Mugi character art
Shinji Takamatsu directs the Okaimono Panda! TV anime at animation studio SHIN-EI ANIMATION Co., Ltd., while Higashi Shimizu provides the series composition and Yasue Sosogi provides the character designs. Voice actor Ikue Otani, who provides the voice of Okaimono Panda in TV commercials, will reprise her role for the TV anime.
Source: Official Okaimono Panda! TV anime home page