Terminator Zero, an upcoming animated co-production based on the Terminator franchise, released a main trailer both English and Japanese dubs on Nuly 31. The Production I.G-produced series will stream worldwide on Netflix on August 29 (Judgement Day in the original Terminator films).
Terminator Zero Main Trailer (English)
The English voice cast members include:
The Terminator voiced by Timothy Olyphant
Malcolm Lee voiced by André Holland
Eiko voiced by Sonoya Mizuno
Kokoro voiced by Rosario Dawson
Th Prophet voiced by Ann Dowd
Terminator Zero Main Trailer (Japanese)
The Japanese voice cast members include:
The Terminator voiced by Yasuhiro Mamiya (Magma in Dr. STONE)
Malcolm voiced by Yuya Uchida (Aka in Wonder Egg Priority)
Eiko voiced by Toa Yukinari (Claudia Peer in Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt)
Kokoro voiced by Atsumi Tanezaki (Chise Hatori in The Ancient Magus’ Bride)
Misaki voiced by Saori Hayami (Maria Campbell in My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!)
Kenta voiced by Hiro Shimono (Connie Springer in Attack on Titan)
Hiro voiced by Shizuka Ishigami (Hugo in The Duke of Death and His Maid)
Reika voiced by Miyuki Sato (Emperor Antoku in The Heike Story)
Masashi Kudo directs the new anime at Production I.G, with Mattson Tomlin acting as showrunner, executive producer and write for the series.Netflix describes Terminator Zero:
2022: A future war has raged for decades between the few human survivors and an endless army of machines. 1997: The AI known as Skynet gained self-awareness and began its war against humanity.Caught between the future and this past is a soldier sent back in time to change the fate of humanity. She arrives in 1997 to protect a scientist named Malcolm Lee who works to launch a new AI system designed to compete with Skynet’s impending attack on humanity. As Malcolm navigates the moral complexities of his creation, he’s hunted by an unrelenting assassin from the future, which forever alters the fate of his three children.
Sources: Netflix Anime official YouTube channel, Netflix Japan official YouTube channel