Tohai – Ura Rate Mahjong Tohai Roku, an upcoming TV anime based on the suspenseful mahjong manga by Koji Shinasaka, published a second new trailer today, additionally revealed the official theme song performers for the series. The new anime is scheduled to broadcast in Japan starting October 2024.
Masayoshi Oishi will perform the opening theme song for the series, while idol group Taiyo to Odore Tsukiyo ni Utae will perform the ending theme song. The titles of the songs were not revealed at the time of reporting.Koji Shinasaka serializes the original Tohai manga in the Young Champion seinen manga magazine since 2006. Jun Hatori directs the Tohai – Ura Rate Mahjong Tohai Roku TV anime at EAST FISH STUDIO. Mariko Kunisawa provides the series composition, Sayaka Anezaki provides the character designs and Yusuke Shirato and Yuki Kishida provide the music.The story of Tohai – Ura Rate Mahjong Tohai Roku is set in a world where underground mahjong parlors engage in high stakes gambling for money, women, and even black market internal organs. This seedy world is being turned upside down by a high school boy gambler whose cold demeanor has earned him the nicknamed “K of the Ice”.
Source: Comic Natalie