Originally broadcast back in 1999, Digimon (known as Digimon Adventure in Japan) celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, and now a special video has been published to commemorate the occasion. The video (below) features new animation capturing classic moments from the show as well as Koji Wada performing “Butter-Fly”, the opening theme song for the series.
Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary Video
Crunchyroll currently streams the 2020 Digimon Adventure: reboot, and describes the story of the series:
It’s the year 2020. The Network has become something humans can no longer do without in their daily lives. But what humans don’t know is that on the other side of the Network is the Digital World, a realm of light and darkness. Nor are they aware of the Digimon who live there.
Fifth grader Taichi Yagami]s mother and little sister Hikari went to Shibuya, and now they’re aboard a runaway train. Taichi hurries to Shibuya to save his mother and sister, but the instant he heads toward the station platform… a strange phenomenon befalls the DigiDestined, and Taichi goes to the Digital World!
Source: Digimon Partners on X (formerly Twitter)