Voice actor Hiroshi Kamiya (Takashi Natsume in Natsume Yujin-cho, Levi in Attack on Titan) has released his new music video “Shujinkou ni Naru Monogatari” (“A Story to Be The Protagonist”) on his music label Kiramune’s official YouTube channel. The song was included in his 10th mini-album “HARETTER” released in Japan on July 31. The six-song album ranked #14 in Oricon’s weekly album charts, selling 6,658 units in its first week of release.While working as a voice actor, Kamiya started building his career as a solo singer in 2009 and has released eight singles, two full albums, and ten mini-albums. “HARETTER” is his first mini-album in four years and three months since the release of his previous ninth mini-album “TP” in April 2020.
Hiroshi Kamiya “Shujinkou ni Naru Monogatari” Music Video
“HARETTER” All-Song Preview
Deluxe edition CD jacket
Regular edition CD jacket
Source: Kiramune official YouTube channel© Kiramune Project, All Rights Reserved.