The seven siblings of The Shiunji Family Children anime made their debut today in the first teaser trailer for the upcoming adaptation of the manga series of the same name by Rent-a-Girlfriend’s Reiji Miyajima. Alongside the teaser trailer which announces the voice cast and a 2025 broadcast, a teaser visual was released as well as the first details on the staff members bringing the series to life at Doga Kobo.
The Shiunji Family Children Teaser Trailer and Visual
Shin Shiunji voiced by Yuichiro Umehara (Goblin Slayer as GOBLIN SLAYER)
Banri Shiunji voiced by Chika Anzai (Reina Kousaka in Sound! Euphonium)
Seiha Shiunji voiced by Marika Kono (Mizuki Yuiga in We Never Learn: BOKUBEN)
Ouka Shiunji voiced by Rie Takahashi (Ai Hoshino in Oshi no Ko)
Minami Shiunji voiced by Hana Hishikawa (Yui Nagomi in Delicious Party Precure)
Kotono Shiunji voiced by Kana Ichinose (Fern in Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)
Shion Shiunji voiced by Chiaki Kobayashi (Stark in Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End)
Ryoki Kamitsubo (Hidamari Sketch) directs The Shiunji Family Children at Doga Kobo with Noboru Kimura (Code Geass: Rozé of the Recapture) on series composition and Miki Muto (some episodes of Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie) handling character designs and chief animation direction. The series is set to premiere in 2025.The Shiunji Family Children is written and drawn by Reiji Miyajima with illustration support from Reiji Yukino. The series has been published in the semi-monthly magazine Young Animal since February 25, 2022, with the fourth collected volume released in Japan on July 17, 2024. Yen Press publishes the series in English, describing the story as such:
The love between brother and sister. The love between man and woman. That which is most forbidden is most unyielding. The two sons and five daughters of the Shiunji family shine like brilliant gems, each with intelligence and beauty in equal measure. And with the pedigree of their wealthy father behind them, how could they not be the talk of the town? Eldest son Arata has spent his life being tossed around by the whims of his colorful sisters, yet a little teasing won’t stop him from valuing his family over anything and anyone else. But when his youngest sister turns fifteen, their father reveals a long-hidden secret of the Shiunji “siblings” and knocks Arata’s world off its axis…
Source: Comic Natalie