This autumn, the work of manga artist Kotoyama comes to life at an art exhibition in Ikebukuro Sunshine City. The event, showcasing works from Dagashi Kashi and Call of the Night, has just released a gorgeous new poster by Kotoyama, featuring a total of 18 characters from across both series.
Check out the new poster, spotlighting Hotaru Shidare of Dagashi Kashi and Nazuna Nanakusa of Call of the Night:
The new art will feature on a variety of goods available at the event—including acrylic stands and plates, pins, shirts and keychains:
The Kotoyama Exhibition feat. Dagashi Kashi / Call of the Night will run from September 7 to October 6 at Ikebukuro Sunshine 60 Observatory Event Space in Ikebukuro Sunshine City. The event celebrates Kotoyama’s tenth anniversary as a manga artist and will feature new and never-before-seen artwork, as well as reproductions of famous locations from both manga series. Tickets for the event go on sale August 9.
Source: @KOTOYAMA_EX on X (formerly Twitter)