The Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair (KYOMAF for short) Executive Committee released the “KYOMAFU Collaboration Visuals” today, which feature popular manga, anime and game franchises for its upcoming 2024 event.Each year, the event traditionally releases collaboration visuals featuring Kyoto’s famous tourist attractions and manga, anime, game franchises ahead of the opening of the event. This year’s theme is “Kyoto’s Modern Architecture.” This is also a collaboration with the “Kyoto Modern Architecture Festival,” a project simultaneously opening to the public of attractive modern architecture in Kyoto. All of the facilities are still in use and can be visited in conjunction with the Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair.
Black Butler -Public School Arc- x Chourakukan
Chourakukan is a guesthouse built by businessman Kichibei Murai in 1909. It is a Western-style building with a Renaissance-style exterior as well as Rococo, Neo-Classical, and Art Nouveau architectural styles inside, and was used to receive both domestic and foreign guests at that time.
Senpai Is an Otokonoko x Fortune Garden Kyoto
Fortune Garden Kyoto is a restaurant and wedding hall renovated from the former head office building of Shimadzu Corporation, created in 1927.
Paradox Live THE ANIMATION x Hachikuan
Hachikuan is a machiya (traditional Kyoto townhouse) located along Shinmachi-dori in the center of Kyoto. Designed by Goichi Takeda, one of the leading architects of modern Kyoto, the modern Japanese-style building with Western-style rooms is designated as a Tangible Cultural Property by the city of Kyoto.
BOCCHI THE ROCK! x Cafe Soiree
Soiree is a café which opened in 1948, shortly after World War II ended. It has gained tremendous support even from the younger generations for its retro interior and stylish atmosphere.
Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- x Yumeji Café at Goryukaku
Goryukaku was originally the residence of the Meiji-era’s entrepreneur, Kajo Shofu, which was completed in 1921, and is designated as a Tangible Cultural Property of Japan. The building was reborn as a café-restaurant called “Yumeji Cafe at Goryukaku,” and as the name suggests, the restaurant is decorated with works by Yumeji Takehisa, a representative Japanese artist of the Taisho period.
As the largest manga and anime event in western Japan, the Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair 2024 is scheduled to be held in three locations (Miyako Messe, Rome Theater Kyoto, Kyoto International Manga Museum) on September 21 and 22, 2024.
Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair 2024 key visual
Sources: Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair 2024 official website, press release