The competition is getting fierce in the latest trailer of the Medalist TV anime, adapting the manga series of the same name by TSURUMAIKADA. Alongside the trailer, five new characters and their voice actors were revealed including Ryoka Miketa and Mario Nachi, who make up a new pair visual, which was also released today.
Medalist Anime Second Trailer and New Pair Visual
Joining the cast of Medalist are:
Rioh Sonidori voiced by Makoto Koichi (Renge Fuwa in Blue Archive)
Ryoka Miketa voiced by Hina Kino (Miri Unasaka in Buddy Daddies)
Mario Nachi voiced by Megumi Toda (Hajime Shinoda in NEW GAME!)
Ema Yamato voiced by Kotori Koiwai (Mano in KARAKAI JOZU NO TAKAGI-SAN)
Yudai Jakuzure voiced by Takahiro Miyake
Yasutaka Yamamoto directs the Medalist TV anime at animation studio ENGI, while Jukki Hanada provides the series composition and scripts and Chinatsu Kameyama provides the character designs. The series is set to premiere in January 2025. The original Medalist manga by TSURUMAIKADA is serialized in Kodansha’s Monthly Afternoon with an English language version is also available from Kodansha USA, which describes the series as such:
Tsukasa, whose dreams were crushed. Inori, left to fend for herself. These two share a dream…and their tenacity may be the only thing that sees them through. Their destination? The ice…on the world’s stage!
Source: Press Release