Haigakura, an upcoming TV anime based on the josei fantasy manga by Shinobu Takayama, has revealed five additional cast members for the series. Haigakura will broadcast in Japan on TOKYO MX, Sun TV, BS Asahi, and other stations beginning in October 2024.
The new cast members include:
Soukoumei voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa
Ritekkai voiced by Daisuke Kishio
Kanshouri voiced by Ryuunosuke Watameki
Rakan voiced by Shinnosuke Tachibana
Bui voiced by Kentaro Ito
Ichijinsha serializes the original Haigakura manga in their Zero-Sum Online digital josei manga magazine. Junichi Yamamoto directs the TV anime at animation studio Typhoon Graphics. Yu Murai provides the series composition, Masaki Sato provides the character designs, and Yuhki Kurihara provides the music.
Haigakura key art
The story of Haigakura takes place in Senkai, the sacred other world where immortals and humans live. Senkai is on the verge of collapse, so Ichiyou – a warrior-poet – uses a technique called Kessai to capture the gods who have been scattered all over the world, while Tenkou, Ichiyou’s follower, searches for the four evil gods who hold the key to restoring the world.
Source: Official Haigakura TV anime home page