An official TV anime adaptation for the Go For It, Nakamura-kun!! manga was announced today, following the launch of the series’ website and X (formerly Twitter) accounts releasing the news. Staff, cast nor a release date was not announced at the time of reporting.
Syundei serialized the manga in Edge Comix’s Opera magazine from 2014 to 2016, released in one volume. A sequel titled Go For It Again, Nakamura-kun!! ran from 2017 to 2021, also released as one volume. Seven Seas releases both in English and describes the series:
Nakamura is a shy boy who falls in love at first sight with one of his classmates–his dreamy high school classmate, Hirose. But there’s a problem: they haven’t met yet. And Nakamura is a total klutz who might bungle things before they even begin!
Source: Official Go For It, Nakamura-kun!! anime home page