Let This Grieving Soul Retire, an upcoming TV anime based on the comic fantasy light novel series, has revealed a new trailer, a new piece of teaser art (below), four additional cast members, and the official theme song performers for the series. The series will broadcast in Japan on TOKYO MX, BS NTV, Sun TV and other stations beginning on October 1, 2024.
The new cast members include:
Eva Renfield voiced by Yo Taichi (Priketsu in A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics)
Eva Renfield and Yo Taichi
Luda Lumbeck voiced by Akira Sekine (Saki Aoi in Senpai is an Otokonoko)
Luda Lumbeck and Akira Sekine
Greg Zangief voiced by Koji Seki
Greg Zangief and Koji Seki
Gilbert Busch voiced by Seiji Maeda (Burns in My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer)
Gilbert Busch and Seiji Maeda
Lezel performs the opening theme song for the series, which is entitled “Kattou Tomorrow” (“Troubled Tomorrow”). Pmarusama performs the ending theme song for the series, which is entitled “Sukuriimu!”.
The original Let This Grieving Soul Retire light novels are written by Tsukikage, illustrated by Chyko, and published in Japan by Micro Magazine under their GC Novels imprint. J-Novel Club also publishes an English language version. Masahiro Takata directs the TV anime adaptation at animation studio Zero-G. Hideki Shirane provides the series composition, Yusuke Isouchi and Shingo Fujisaki provide the character designs, and Ryohei Sataka provides the music.
Let This Grieving Soul Retire teaser art
J-Novel Club describes Let This Grieving Soul Retire:
It’s the golden age for treasure hunters—adventurers hungry for wealth, fame, power, and glory, who risk their lives in treasure vaults throughout the world. “Let’s become treasure hunters.” Krai and his childhood friends swore to become the greatest of them all, but that dream should have died the day Krai realized he wasn’t cut out for the job! Yet expectations continue to mount, right along with Krai’s fear for his life. While his childhood friends climb closer toward their dream, this grieving soul has one simple wish: to pack it all in and retire!
Source: Official Let This Grieving Soul Retire TV anime home page