The Most Notorious “Talker” Runs the World’s Greatest Clan, an upcoming TV anime based on the fantasy light novel series, has announced five cast additions for the series. The series will broadcast in Japan on TOKYO MX and BS NTV beginning in October 2024.
The new cast members include:
Loyd voiced by Yoshiki Nakajima (Oscar in Unnamed Memory)
Loyd and Yoshiki Nakajima
Tanya Clark voiced by Kaede Hondo (Vegapunk Atlas in One Piece)
Tanya Clark and Kaede Hondo
Walter voiced by Akihiro Tajima
Walter and Akihiro Tajima
Wolf Lehman voiced by Seiji Maeda (Burns in My Daughter Left the Nest and Returned an S-Rank Adventurer)
Wolf Lehman and Seiji Maeda
Lycia Mercedes voiced by Kaori Maeda (Konatsu Taiga in Senpai is an Otokono)
Lycia Mercedes and Kaori Maeda
The original The Most Notorious “Talker” Runs the World’s Greatest Clan light novels are written by Jaki, illustrated by fame, and published in Japan by Overlap under their Overlap Bunko imprint. Seven Seas Entertainment also publishes an English language version. Yuta Takamura directs the TV anime at animation studios Felix Film and GA-CREW. Takayo Ikami provides the series composition, Kenji Terao provides the character designs, and Kent Asahina provides the music.
The Most Notorious “Talker” Runs the World’s Greatest Clan teaser art
Yen Press describes The Most Notorious “Talker” Runs the World’s Greatest Clan:
Noel longs to be a Seeker like his heroic grandfather, slaying the beasts that emerge from Abysses and exploring far-off lands. Unfortunately, it turns out he’s nothing but a measly Talker–a job with no combat skills whatsoever. Undaunted, Noel sets out to establish the strongest clan in all the land, using his silver-tongued Talker skills to unite assassins and heroes under his leadership.
Source: Official The Most Notorious “Talker” Runs the World’s Greatest Clan TV anime home page