Following a successful run in Japan, the LOOK BACK anime film is officially making its way to cinemas in North America. GKIDS announced plans to bring the feature—directed by Kiyotaka Oshiyama and based on the one-shot manga by Chainsaw Man creator Tatsuki Fujimoto—to theaters on October 4, 2024.
Kiyotaka Oshiyama (FLIP FLAPPERS) directs Look Back at Studio Durian. Oshiyama also wrote the script and provided the character designs. Kiyoshi Sameshima is the art director with haruka nakamura providing the music and Avex Pictures distributing the film, which was released in Japan on June 28, 2024.Tatsuki Fujimoto released the Look Back one-shot in July 2021 on Shonen Jump+. An English language version of the manga is available through VIZ Media.Here’s how GKIDS describes it:
Popular, outgoing Fujino is celebrated by her classmates for her funny comics in the class newspaper. One day, her teacher asks her to share the space with Kyomoto, a truant recluse whose beautiful artwork sparks a competitive fervor in Fujino. What starts as jealousy transforms when Fujino realizes their shared passion for drawing.
Based on the acclaimed manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto, the creator of “Chainsaw Man”, Look Back captures the highs and lows of pursuing artistic excellence and the special bonds formed through creative collaboration. The heart-wrenching story is the stunning feature-length directorial debut from Kiyotaka Oshiyama that will leave you in tears and inspire you to chase your own artistic dreams.
Source: GKIDS on X (formerly Twitter)