The official accounts for the Bananya anime series announced today that a brand new season, titled Bananya Around the World, will premiere in October 2024. Additionally, Crunchyroll is announcing today that the series will stream on the platform when it premieres this fall, with the first few episodes scheduled to release in October with more to come at a later date.
Bananya Around the World
Release Date: Starting October 2024Territories: North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, CIS and Indian subcontinentSynopsis: Bananya returns! The mysterious cat who lives inside a banana is back for a new adventure when a ball of light appears. After the ball flashes, a new cat named Baby Sweet emerges. The two quickly become friends and set off on a grand adventure to discover new and exciting places around the world. Join the new friends on their journey!
Kyo Yatate will return to direct the series at animation studio Lesprit, with series composition by Masahiro Takata and Sei Yoshitsuki joining on the scripts. The first Bananya season premiered in 2016 with 13 episodes. The second season, titled Bananya and the Curious Bunch, premiered in 2019 for 13 episodes, as well. Kyo Yatate directed the series at animation studio Gathering. The series features voice actors Yuki Kaji and Ayumu Murase playing a various amount of the banana cats. Discotek licensed both seasons in North America and additionally produced an English dub.While you wait for the unpeeling of Season 3, you can watch the first two seasons of the Bananya series right here on Crunchyroll. Source: Bananya anime official X (formerly Twitter)