The official website for the TV anime adaptation of Fullmetal Alchemist author Hiromu Arakawa’s autobiographical manga series, Hyakusho Kizoku (Noble Farmer), today announced that the anime’s second season is set to premiere in Japan on October 4, 2024.
Season 2 key visual
The site also announced that the ending theme song for the second season, “Chouai-zoku” (literally means “Well-liked Tribe”), is performed by sanetti, a singer-songwriter who was born in 2000. He mainly performs in the Kansai area and is popular for his pop and catchy songs that fuse the sounds of 2000s rock tunes and 2020s Vocaloid songs.
The first season of the TV anime adaptation, produced by Pie in the sky, aired for 12 episodes from July to September 2023.The author’s own experiences inspire the dairy farming-themed comedy manga. Arakawa was born in Tokachi-city, Hokkaido, to a farming family that ran a dairy and field farm and spent seven years there between graduating from an agricultural high school and becoming a manga artist. The original manga was first serialized in Shinshokan’s Un Poco magazine from December 2006 to March 2009. After the magazine ceased its publication in June 2009, it was transferred to the same publisher’s magazine, WINGS. The series has printed 4.1 million copies with eight tankobon volumes in total so far.
Source: TV anime “Hyakusho Kizoku” official website / X (formerly) Twitter©Hiromu ARAKAWA, SHINSHOKAN/”Hyskusho Kizoku” Production Committee