The SHY TV anime series announced today that veteran voice actor Megumi Ogata (Yuta Okkotsu in JUJUTSU KAISEN) will join the cast as Ai Tennoji’s Heartblade Purity, a sword with the power to read people’s feelings.
Akita Shoten serializes the original SHY manga in their Weekly Shonen Champion manga magazine. Yen Press also publishes an English language version of the series. Masaomi Ando directs the TV anime at animation studio Eight Bit. Yuichi Tanaka serves as main character designer, with Risa Takai and Akihiro Sueda serve as character designers and chief animation directors. Hinako Tsubakiyama provides the music.Crunchyroll currently streams the SHY anime and describes the story:
On the brink of a third World War, superheroes appeared on Earth. Gifted with powers, their appearance brings peace to the world. The heroes each selected a country in which they would reside, serve, and protect its citizens. Shy is Japan’s hero, endowed with super strength. Her most daunting enemy yet? Crippling shyness. Join Shy and her super friends as she defends Earth and gains confidence!
Source: Official SHY TV anime home page